Born out of chaos.,Detemined to evolve.,Shaped by design.

We create business models and build digital products that scale.

Not known from TV

LAPARO is boutique

Since we love building products with your DNA

Digital business models and products

Transformation is an issue for almost every business. If your company is small, you probably need to catch-up with enterprises. If you are big, startups may distrupt your market. In any case digital matters. We know that and are here for help, delivering hand-crafted strategy, sound business models and custom product building.

Hand-crafted strategy

Finding the way to achieve a goal, that's strategy. Anything else is planning. We design your strategy as a truthful strategy: sharp, unique, inspiring and buzz-word free.

Business model
Sound business models

Serving customer needs and receiving proper financial compensation is our fundamental paradigm. We apply to it to any new business model making sure it works out there.

Custom product building
Custom product building

Test your new business models right after release. We build it while working on it. You choose the technology, we have the software engineers and do the rest.

Make it real

It looks all good on paper. However, delivering results matters. We talk business, and you'll appreciate that in a direct conversation.

So, what's special about LAPARO?

We're craftsmen by nature

We learned strategy from Sun Tsu, prooven knowledge since 2.500 years. We copied dedication from Chef Jiro One who has been preparing Sushi for more than 75 years. And "Zero to one" taught us to think in terms of breakthrough rather than improvement.

The Undefined

Start from the undefined

Creating something new, no matter whether in business or elsewhere, requires getting rid of certainty. We go with you to the point where uncertainty prevails, and new ideas are being born.

Catch the idea as it emerges

True ideas for new business break conventions and gives direction. We identify them for you and let the others go. The fine arts of making a difference is making a difference.

Good architecture can change tomorrow

New business is typically built lean. But lean doesn't mean native. Technology is a fundamental principle of digital business architecture. We're here to help you build a technology foundation that can change whenever needed.

The power to make it real

True ideas and brilliant architecture take only effect when put to work. Make use of our track record in getting digital products done.

Shouting man

Growing big requires a strong DNA

There is something that makes you unique and unmistakable. The DNA of your business is the intelligence for growth.

Play the market

They need to know about your new business product. We make the plan you do the communication. Happy to start. You can count on our know-how and passion.

Make it real

Some ideas are fancy but unlikely to work out. We talk business, and you'll appreciate that in a direct conversation.

From A to B to C

We work as you do: Smart

Being smart is the ability to spontaneously do the right thing regardless of circumstances.


You talk, we listen

Before we do anything, you tell us what matters. Your desire for new business is rooted in some fundamental belief. We'd like to know about it. Did you know that 60% of what has been said in a typical business conversation gets lost? We care about it.

Talking man

Undertake the Journey with us

You have probably developed a lot of ideas yet on how to build your new digital business and what the product should look like. We want you to forget about it. Make yourself a beginner to start fresh and let us be your guide to a new perspective.


Find the unbelievable

We work with you very unconventionally, and that takes you to new ideas which make the difference. Since you come from the undefined, everything is possible. It's like magic and ends up in something real. We catch the new idea, whether business model or digital product and nourish it.

Rocket launch

Launch it and see it fly

You start with us to finally launch, and we don't stop before. Your success is when it sells. We know that very well and fully commit ourselves. Born out of chaos, shaped by design, determined to evolve.

We're are professionals

And a little fancy

Idea Management
Business Model Canvas
Rapid Prototyping
Catching frogs

Now it's your turn

Have A Questions?

You think we talk your language but not sure whether we can help. Share your issue with us.

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Schutzenstr. 6, 40211 Dusseldorf, Germany.